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When is the UCR registration due?

The UCR registration and when you need to take care of it. This overview is in simple terms so you can easily understand when your UCR registration is due.

2024 What is UCR Registration?

UCR registration stands for Unified Carrier Registration. It’s a mandatory program for truck drivers, freight forwarders, and brokers. UCR registration collects money to support safety programs for carriers who operate across state lines. It’s a way to make sure contributions are made based on fleet size.

Why is UCR Registration Important?

It ensures fair competition in the transportation industry. The money collected through UCR registration goes toward promoting safer roads and highways. This is a legal requirement, not registering or renewing on time can get you in trouble and lead to fines.

When Do I Need to Register?

The UCR registration process has specific deadlines.
Annual UCR Registration Deadline: Every year from October 1st to December 31st. During this period, you need to complete your initial registration or renewal.
UCR Registration Renewal Deadline: December 31st each year. Make sure to submit your renewal application and payment before this date to avoid any problems.
UCR Registration Expiration Date: December 31st of the following year. Remember this date and start the renewal process before it expires to stay compliant.

What Happens if I Miss the Registration Deadline?

Missing the UCR registration deadlines can lead to consequences. You might face fines, penalties, or even have your trucking authority suspended or loads impounded. So it’s crucial to meet UCR registration deadlines.

Tips for Timely UCR Registration

Stay organized: Mark the UCR registration deadlines on your calendar or set reminders
Prepare in advance: Start gathering the information and documents you need for UCR registration ahead of time.
Submit early: Submit your UCR registration or renewal application well before the deadline in case of unexpected delays.

UCR registration is an important part of your INTERSTATE business. Remember to stay organized and submit your registration on time.


What happens if I miss the UCR registration deadlines?

You could face fines, and penalties, have your load impounded, or have your trucking authority suspended. Registering on time will avoid mistakes.

Can I register for UCR online?

Yes, you can register for UCR online. Visit the UCR program’s official website to find out the registration process and complete it there or use U.S Carrier Registration Plan to assist in this process at

Do I need UCR registration if I only operate within one state?

UCR registration applies to carriers involved in INTERSTATE commerce. If you operate solely within one state and don’t cross state lines, you DO NOT NEED the UCR.

Can someone else in my company handle UCR registration for me?

Yes, you can delegate the responsibility of UCR registration to someone in your company. They must understand the requirements and deadlines to avoid issues.

How can I find my specific UCR registration due date?

If you’re unsure about your UCR registration due date, reach out to the U.S Carrier Registration Plan at or visit our official website for accurate and up-to-date information