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UCR Plans

Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)

All companies that engage in interstate transport must register and pay an annual fee based off the number of vehicles to resume cross-state transport.

Register Now

US Carrier 150

MCS-150 Biennial Update

Complete the biennial update every two years to maintain compliance with FMCSA regulations and avoid potential penalties, including the deactivation of your USDOT number.

Update Now

Biennial Update MCS-150 Filing

Driver Qualification File (DQF)

A Driver Qualification File (DQF) is an official record mandated by the Department of Transportation for all drivers employed by companies possessing a USDOT number. This esures the company has accurate information for each operator of the vehicle. This will be done for all drivers, full-time, part-time, and intermittent.

Apply Now



Required to activate your MC number and complete your interstate operating authority. This form designates agents who will receive legal or official documents on your behalf and subsequently forward them to you in the event of tickets or violations. The BOC-3 must be in place to finalize commercial insurance requirements.

Apply Now

Driver Qualification File (DQF)

MC Authority – MC#

Transporting freight FOR-HIRE across state lines will require your Motor Carrier Interstate operating authority (MC#). Once the authority is granted, it is mandatory to display both USDOT and MC number on the vehicle to engage in interstate transport.

Apply Now

Alcohol testing

Random Drug And Alcohol Consortium

All drivers operating a commercial vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVWR) of 26,001 lbs. or more must be enrolled in a third-party random drug and alcohol testing consortium that meet all required federal testing guidelines.

Test Here

2025 UCR Fees For All Carriers private, exempt, and for-hire

To accommodate the number of carriers required to register for 2025, the UCR filing period starts on October 1st, 2024, to ensure ample time for the processing of applications and payments.

As outlined, Federal Regulations CFR 367, the registration for the UCR in 2025 must be concluded by the end of the year preceding the UCR Registration filing period. The final payment and application for the 2025 UCR period must be submitted and processed by the conclusion of 2024.

2025 U.S. Carrier Registration Fee

Number of power units 0-2 3-5 6-20 21-100 101-1000
2022 fee (previous) $165 $375 $700 $1,948 $7,946
2025 fee (NEW) $147 $320 $591 $1,568 $6,135
Difference -$18 -$55 -$109 -$380 -$1,811